History and Evolution
Faculty of Medicine Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagun Since 1925.
Establishment and Accreditation
- Founded in 1905, the Faculty of Medicine at Kyrgyz National
University (KNU) is a leading institution in medical education. - Established under license order No. 10311 by the Ministry of
Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic. - Governed by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, represented
by the Ministry of Education and Science. - Registered with tax identification number 01409199310050
and GPU series No. 004092. - Initially registered on July 26, 1925, as an institutional entity.
Program Details
- Offers a General Medicine program with a duration of 5 years,
including internship. - Sessions commence in March and September.
- Instruction is conducted in English.
- Prerequisite education: Secondary Education.
- Upon completion, graduates receive the degree title of MD
Physician. - The program accommodates a total of 300 foreign students.
Ownership and Structure
- Owned by the State Government of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.
- Organizational and legal form: Institutional.
License and Certification
- Licensed under registration No. D2019-0002.
- Officially known as Kyrgyz National University named after
Jusup Balasagyn Faculty of Medicine.